Thursday 14 April 2011

British 95th Rifles on patrol

The first Napoleonic unit I finished was, of course, some 95th Rifles. I think the reason I've kept at the Naps was a childhood of watching Sharpe. So, probably like most British players, when I sat down to paint I started with the Rifles. Here they are patrolling a Peninsula road:

Perry Plastics with metal command. I've six more plastics already prepped, half of them converted to add variety. I'm sure I'll finish these up soon: they take about half the time to paint compared to Redcoats!

Terrain-wise, at the back is an Architects of War hedgerow - a novel way of basing trees and for an all-inclusive kit I thought it was well-priced. The road is from Terrain Warehouse, I was much less happy was these, they are quite wide and deep and I felt they needed quite a bit of tidying up to make presentable. But it is pretty solid, and well priced at £30 (in postage) for 6 foot of road with various curves and junctions. Finally, at the front is some carved up coir matting as a wheatfield, a trick I picked up from one of the blogs I follow.

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